the cool dashboard buttons go beep boop
- Name: squidwest-layout-controls
- Length: Long-Term/Ongoing
- Start Date: November 2024
- Technologies: NodeCG, TypeScript, React, HTML, CSS
in short
squidwest-layout-controls is a set of NodeCG dashboards used for several events hosted by SquidWest. It includes several panels providing data for things like lower thirds, the omnibar, a custom credits sequence, an obs websocket, etc.
As of now this includes:
- Chi-Shoals, a Chicago Splatoon LAN
- Twin Squiddies, a Minneapolis Splatoon LAN
what it does
squidwest-layout-controls provides two different workspaces with a number of panels to control event overlays.
stream tech dashboard

The primary dashboard for people running the stream. As of January 2025, this includes panels for controlling the Credits, Omnibar, Commentary Lower Thirds, and the Scoreboard, as well as a bonus panel for Transition Times.
The functionality here has been built up since the layouts were first started in February 2024. You might notice that the start time for this project is actually November 2024, and that's because everything was originally held within chishoals-layouts, but was later split into two repositories to support being used for several events.
settings dashboard

The other dashboard, mostly intended for things handled prior to the stream, such as Event Info, Socials, and OBS Websocket support.
Using the OBS Websocket also provides a special log file which tracks how long the stream spends on each scene to assist in retrospectives for event pacing.
To see the results of these panels, I suggest also checking out the projects for chishoals-layouts and/or twinsquiddies-layouts which hold the actual graphics displayed on stream.