Blue Special Attack
- Project Name: splat-title-quiz
- Project Length: 20+ hours
- Start Date: March 2024
- Technologies: TypeScript, React, HTML, CSS
in short
splat-title-quiz is a website to test your knowledge of the ridiculous number of titles in Splatoon 3. By which I mean, there are over 2,000 titles so, good luck!!!
how it works
splat-title-quiz is one of my more fun-focused projects, so the emphasis here isn't really on technical tools. I'll instead give an overview of the game and how it plays.

The gameplay loop is quite simple: enter an adjective or subject into the appropriate above box, then if it matches one of the titles, it will be marked. There's a neat scrolling animation that tries to mimick the way the in-game title selector looks, to give you a peek at the enormous number of titles you have to enter.

Now, chances are, you're not going to remember every single title, probably not even close. (I literally made this and I STILL feel like there are titles I haven't seen before). For those moments, there are hinting features available! Hinting a title shows the next applicable letter that you don't know from the titles you've entered.
For example, if you had found Anarchy Battle, an unknown title, and then Angelic, your first hint would give whatever letter comes after An, since the list is alphabetical and both surrounding titles share those two letters. (Consider this your two freebies, now name the other 2,086 titles).
Alternatively, you can also reveal a title to show exactly what it is!
ending the game

The game ends in one of two ways, either you choose to give up at any time, or, through sheer willpower, you find a way to enter Every. Single. Title.
Once the game concludes, you get a results screen showing your time (if you finished them all), titles found, hints and reveals used, as well as the first title you entered and a random lucky title for fun.
You can also view the full list of titles to see which ones you got and which you missed!
the story
The website really did just begin with the absurd concept of "What If You Had To Name Every Single Title?" Honestly, I just thought it was a really funny idea, and it'd make for a relatively simple concept to build.

The page of course started off very simple! I knew immediately the visual direction I wanted to head though, my goal was to mimick the design of the title selector in-game.

Initially, I was thinking of compressing the unfound titles into counts like the above screenshot. I later decided against this once I had the scrolling effect added in. It's just so satisfying and cool to enter titles and watch it spin. It also just adds to the absurdity watching them all scroll by endlessly.
Since you're here, I'll also let you in on a little secret, there are easter eggs on the website! If you enter special things into the title box, something might happen... Just for you, I'll tell you one of them: Pearlina.
Now what are you waiting for, try playing it for yourself!